The Richter Acolyte

A Richter Videography
Compiled by ALEX MALOW

Last Updated: 28 July, 2017

1 Chopin - Scherzo #2 1953

7 min. * Soviet TV *BoMB 033 658DVD("Russian Piano Performance School Vol.14") Several shots of audience and film technicians during performance spoil, to some extent, this early film. LIVE
2 Prokofiev - Vision fugitives op.22:#3,4,5,6,8,9,11,14,15,18. 16/4/58

15 min. *Soviet TV Although the performance time of the 10 pieces runs 10-11min, there exists additional film footage from different camera angles of some of the pieces: thus total video length is about 14-15 min. No shots of audience and no sounds indicating an audience present, although Richter is clearly playing on the stage of the main Hall of the Moscow Conservatory - there are flowers placed on the piano suggesting that the actual recital was completed and that the filming was made after the audience had left OR was the audience simply miraculously quiet and hypnotised?(during a performance of modern compositions, no less!). One would like to believe the latter, but TRA favors the former interpretation....
3 Tchaikovsky - "May" from "The Seasons" 1963?

? * Soviet TV From a concert to the memory of Tchaikovsky. LIVE
4 Mendelssohn - Variations serieuses op.54. Rachmaninoff - Etude tableau in D op.39 #9, Prelude g-sharp op.32 #12 22/04/64

. *Soviet TV *Internet *Mendelssohn only :EMI DVA 4928349 (PAL DVD), EMI DVA 4928499 (NTSC DVD) LIVE
5 Beethoven- Sonatas for Cello and Piano #1,2,3,4,5 (M.Rostropovich) 31/08/64

117 min. *Ideale Audience(Mezzo TV)*EMI DVA 4928349 (PAL DVD)EMI DVA 4928499(NTSC DVD) One of the greatest videos so far known to The Richter Acolyte. A "young" Richter playing Beethoven. Rostropovich in supreme form also. LIVE
6 Brahms- Intermezzo in e, Prokofiev- Piano Sonata #2, Ravel-Jeux d' eau, Alborado del gracioso (studio) 26/09/64

35 min. * CBC TV (Canada)
* VAI #4213 (DVD)
* VAI 69416 (VHS)
#4213 & #69416: "Two Titans of the keyboard, Michelangeli and Richter" (65min) STUDIO
7 Schumann - Fantasiestucke op.12: "Warum", "Aufschwung". 1965

? * Czech TV Studio(?) Looks like a performance for the cameras.
8 Chopin - Scherzo #3 6/11/65

7 min. * Soviet TV? *Youtube LIVE
9 Dvorak- Piano Concerto (Prague S.O./Smetacek) 02/06/66

? * Czech TV
* French TV (TV-5 in Canada)[mov.1 only]
Stunning early Richter video in B&W. LIVE
10 Mozart - Piano Concerto #9 ( ORTF/Maazel) 03/07/66

37 min.
* French TV
11 "Sviatoslav Richter" -Documentary- clips and interview in Russian, Japanese subtitles.Chopin Etudes op.10 #4, #10, #12 (all 3 complete. STUDIO) 1967

Soviet Union
60 min. * Soviet TV (Riga Film Studio)
* JPN-LSZS 00159 (LD)
* VSZT-00387 (VHS-PAL)
* IVCV 64143 (VHS,1998)
* Dreamlife DMVB-57 (VHS,1998)
Check Richter "Sightings" page. Produced by Riga Film Studio and contains all of the same musical clips found in the various Japanese releases except for Debussy's Isle of Joy. The "Riga" variant contains a number of scenes not included in the Japanese releases i.e. Heinrich Neighaus' wife and daughter's recollection of Maestro, various picnic scenes in the countryside of Tarusa, segment with Dorliak, scenes in Baku of greetings, gifts and fishing nets.
12 Bach - Well Tempered Clavier: selections Book 1(?) 20(21)/4/1969(?)

? * Soviet TV
A reliable source has indicated this TV broadcast (possibly different from the excerpt in "Richter the Enigma"). LIVE.
13 Beethoven- Sonata for Piano and Violin #6, Brahms- Violin Sonata #3 + encore: Beethoven- Violin Sonata #5 (mov.3) (David Oistrakh) 18/3/70

New York (Alice Tully Hall)
56 min. * US TV (CBS) *VAI DVD 4369 LIVE
14 Beethoven- Sonata for piano and violin #1, #3, #10 (Oistrakh) 6/5/1970

20 min.(#3) * Soviet TV
* EMI LDB 491301 1 (LD,PAL)
* EMI MVD 4913013 (VHS,PAL)
* EMI TOLW 3728/29 (2 LD) * David Oistrakh - Russian Performance School Vol.8 Bomba Music DVD (Violin Sonata #3 only)
Sparkling performance full of brio (why, what did you expect?).Only #3 issued by EMI. The date of this performance is stated as March '72 (no day specified) on the various EMI issues, but after some inquiry I think this date wrong! I've listened to the performance of 6/5/70 (which includes also Beethoven V. Son. #1 & #10)and to my ears it is the same as the video version. Add to this the fact that there is a video clip of Violin Son.#1(from "David Oistrakh - artist of the people") which appears to come from the same concert(same music stand, same attire: for example Richter with a white Handerkercheif in chest pocket etc).To sum up:it appears the Violin Son. #3 comes from the filmed recital of 6/5/70 which also includes #1 & #10. Another possibility is that it might come from an unlisted recital close in time to the 29th March'72 concert (Dreamlife DVD DLVC 1113), or possibly from the recital of 19th March '72 since it is listed in the Chronology (but nowhere else)....[Since I wrote the above I have come across a video clip in which Rozhdestvensky introduces this performance and mentions clearly it is from "....May 1970". Case closed.] . LIVE
15 Schubert - Piano Son. #19 D 958, Bartok - 15 Hungarian peasant songs, Szymanowski - from "Masque" op.34 : Sheherazade, Tantris le Bouffon, Prokofiev Piano Son. #7, encores: Prokofiev - Paysage, op.59 #2, Waltz from "War and Peace" op.96 #1, Debussy - Images BK 2 "Cloches a travers les feuilles" 03/09/70

? * NHK (Japanese TV) Schubert piano sonata not broadcast. TRA has never seen this one - hopefully this video will show up someday. We know that the Prokofiev Piano Son.#7 was broadcast on NHK TV on 6/9/70 in a 50min. programme.There is some uncertainty about the rest. LIVE
16 Mozart - Piano Concerto #27, Piano Concerto #22, encore: Mov.3 from PC #22 (NHK Symphony Orchestra, Rudolph Barshai) 15/09/70

? * NHK (Japanese TV) TRA has never seen this one - hopefully this video will show up someday. Piano Concerto #22 was broadcast on NHK TV on 20/9/70 in a 50min. programme - the rest is uncertain..LIVE
17 Beethoven - Rondo for Piano and Orchestra (USSR State S.O./Kondrashin) 1971

10 min. * Soviet TV A short clip of this performance is contained in a documentary about Kiril Kondrashin called "The Testament of Kiril Petrovich" (1990),LIVE
18 Brahms- Violin Sonata #2, Bartok - Violin Son.#1, Prokofiev - Violin Son.#1 encores: Schubert- Andantino from op.162, Beethoven - Rondo from Violin Son.#1(Oistrakh) 29/03/72

90 min. * Dreamlife DLVC 1113 (DVD)* Soviet TV
* LDB 491301 1 (LD,PAL)[Brahms only]
* EMI MVD 4913013 (VHS,PAL)[Brahms only]
* EMI TOLW 3728/29 (2 LD)[Brahms only] * David Oistrakh - Russian Performance School Vol.8 Bomba Music DVD (Schubert only)
The Bartok violin Son. #1 & Prokofiev Violin Son. #1 plus the 2 encores are great new additions to the Videography, thanks to Dreamlife! Picture quality is a little gloomy ("inky") and lacks the lustre of the former EMI issue of the Brahms Violin Son.#2 but it doesn't take long to get over this and is a "must have" for piano and violin enthusiasts who can afford it. LIVE
19 Beethoven- Triple Concerto (Oistrakh & Rostropovich, Moscow Phil.Orch./Kondrashin) 30/03/72

36 min. * Soviet TV
* EMI TOLW 3728/29 (2 LD)
* LDB 491301 1 (LD,PAL)
* EMI MVD 4913013 (VHS,PAL)* Dreamlife DLVC 1112 (DVD) * David Oistrakh - Russian Performance School Vol.8 Bomba Music DVD
The Dreamlife DVD contains a few more seconds of the final bows.LIVE.
20 Beethoven- Piano Sonata #30 & #32 + encores: Bagatelle op.126 #1, Brahms- intermezzo in a op.118 #1 01/06/74

? * Japanese TV
Beethoven - Piano Son.#31, Chopin - Nocturne op.15 #1 also played on this date and presumably filmed. NHK broadcasted all but Sonata #31 and the Chopin Nocturne on 14/7/74. LIVE
21 Beethoven- Piano Sonata #32 12/01/75

25 min. * Soviet TV (From part 1 of 4 part documentary on H. Neuhaus?) LIVE.
22 Mozart - Violin Sonata #29 (unfinished),Beethoven- Violin Sonatas #2, #4, #5 (Kagan) 27/10/75

82 min. * Soviet TV LIVE. The recital was dedicated to the memory of David Oistrakh.
23 Debussy - L'Isle Joyeuse 1976

7 min. * Soviet TV LIVE. Richter performs in a Gala celebrating Igor Moiseyev (Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble),in Tchaikovsky Hall.
24 "Chopiniana" - Polonaise-Fantasy op.61, Waltzes op.34 #3, op.70 #3, Mazurkas op.63 #3,op.67 #3,op.68 #3, op.posth."Emile Gaillard", Etude op.25 #7, Scherzo op.54,Etude op.10 #4 10/10/76

47 min. * Soviet TV
* DMEC 38002 (vhs) * Parnassus PDVD 1201 (DVD)
"Richter in the 1970s, live" vol.2 of DMEC series (vhs). We don't see Maestro in the Etude op.10 #4, just the credits rolling while the music sounds. Prelude op.28 #15 also played on this date but not shown or heard in this issue.
25 Beethoven- Piano Sonata #1, Schumann-Carnival of Vienna + 4 encores: Beethoven- Bagatelle op.126 #1, Debussy- Preludes BK 1 #3, BK 2 #8, Rachmaninoff- Prelude op.32 #12 10,11,16/10/76

60 min. * Soviet TV
* Suncrown CRLB-55004 (LD)
* DMEC 38003 * Dreamtime JPBC 14828 (DVD, 63min.)* BoMB 033 658DVD ("Russian Performance School #14") * Parnassus PDVD 1203 (DVD)[ Beethoven Son.#1 & Bagatelle on Parnassus PDVD 1201)
Disc 1 of 4 laserdisc box: "The Art of Richter"
"Richter in the 1970s, live" vol.3 of DMEC (VHS) series. This issue appears to be a compilation of video from three separate nights: in the Beethoven Piano Sonata #1 and the last 3 encores Richter is seen wearing a "normal" tie (10/10/1976), in the Schumann (probably 11/10/76) and the Beethoven encore (16/10/76) he is seen wearing a bowtie....The Dreamtime DVD issued in Jan 2005 shows more of Maestro bowing at the end of the recital compared to the Laserdisc.
26 Beethoven- Piano Sonatas #1, #7, #9, #12, Bagatelle op.126 #1 15/10/76

85 min. * Soviet TV
* TOVW-3537 (Piano son.#7,9,12 only)
* TOLW-3537 (LD)(Piano son.#7,9,12 only)
* DMEC 38001 (Piano son.#7,9,12 only)
* Bomba Music BoMB 033-650 (DVD PAL) * Parnassus PDVD 1201 (DVD)[Sonata #1 from Oct.10th recital]
This new commercial DVD by "Bomba Music" ("Russian performance school #12") was released in 2010 [website:]. Those familiar with the previous issues of this solo recital (piano sonatas 7,9,12 only, with the Bagatelle elsewhere on a Suncrown Laserdisc) will not only be thrilled to have a new performance of the Beethoven Piano Sonata #1 included in this great DVD, but should also notice that the filming is different ie. different camera angles have been utilised in this production!
27 "Sviatoslav Richter plays Beethoven". Sonatas played, but which ones? 1977

65 min. * Soviet TV LIVE(?)
28 Mozart - Piano Concerto #18 + encore: mov.3 (Moscow Phil.Orch./Kondrashin) 9&10/1/77

46 min. * Soviet TV * BoMB 033 659DVD ("Russian Performance School #15" LIVE
29 Schubert- Piano Sonatas #6, #18, Scherzo, 4 Landler, Andante in A, Allegretto in C + encore: last mov. #18 27/09/77

104 min. * BBC TV
* Classica TV
If you look really hard, you can't see me - I'm one of the lucky ones in the audience, two-thirds down the hall on the left.(I saw the Maestro 6 times in that unforgettable year of 1977! - but never again!! (until the magic of VIDEO!) LIVE
30 Debussy - Suite Bergamasque: menuet & claire de lune, Prelude BK.2,#4, Prelude BK.1,#1 (25/9/78)?

25min. * Bulgarian TV? LIVE
31 Bach- Piano concerto #1,Piano Concerto #6 BWV 1057, Brandenburg Concerto #5,(Moscow Con.Orc./Nikolayevsky) 28/03/78

65 min. * Soviet TV
* Suncrown CRLB -55004 (LD) * Dreamtime JPBC 13804 (DVD issued in Jan.2005, 43 min.:Brandenburg #5 plus only mov.1 of Concerto #1 *BoMB 033 659DVD ("Russian Performance School #15")[Bach PC #6 only])
Disc 1 of 4 laserdisc box: "The Art of Richter".There definately appears to be atleast one encore (with orchestra): in the Dreamtime issue we see Richter return to the stage and once again sit at the piano and look up at the conductor in readiness mode - TRA speculates that the last movement of the Brandenburg #5 is repeated (and was probably filmed) - Richter often repeated as an encore a movement of what he just played and we note in Ates Tanin's "Recorded Richter" that Richter played the 3rd mov. as an encore in the '78 performance of the Brandenburg #5 in Tours. **The Telefond entries indicate that the Bach Concerto #6 was filmed, but no date is given. Richter performed all three concertos in Leningrad 3 weeks later, so it is entirely likely that the same programme was performed in Moscow. LIVE
32 Schubert- 8 Songs (Fischer-Dieskau) Am Fenster, An der Donau, Liebeslausschen, Auf der Bruck, Fischerweiser, Der Wanderer, Die Sterne, Im Fruhling, Piano Sonata D 664 08/78

61 min. * German TV *DG 000289 4775556 DVD (recital with Fischer-Dieskau only) STUDIO
33 "Richter Chronicles"- Soviet TV documentary, clips: Debussy, Bach, Mozart, Schubert. 1978

Soviet Union
74 min. * Soviet TV (Gostelradio) The interview with Artur Rubinstein about Richter is longer than the portion of the interview featured in Richter the Enigma. Check Richter "Sightings" page for details of the performance video clips.
34 "A Walk Through the Museum and it's Exhibition Halls. A Musician and his meeting with Art": A talk by D. Zhuravlev about Richter, his personal qualities and aesthetic gifts, his painting and the exhibition of works from his collection which was mounted in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. 1979

11 min. * Soviet TV
35 Handel- Keyboard Suites #3 (Richter), #7 (Gavrilov) 01/07/79

50 min. * SOHBI SKL-1018 (LD) Gavrilov turns Richter's pages. Richter turns Gavrilov's pages. LIVE
36 "Richter in Tours"- Documentary in German, clips, interview with Richter in German 1979

60 min. * German TV Richter rehearses Bach Keyboard Concerto #1, Gavrilov with Richter rehearse Handel. Includes revealing discussion about performance style with regard to Wagner, Beethoven and Schubert. Also in it Richter poses the question (quoting Heinrich Neuhaus) "where is an artist's second home?" answer: "Italy".
37 Rachmaninoff - Etude tableaux op.33 #8(9) 1980`s?

Soviet Union
2 min. * Soviet TV? *Internet There must be more to this film, as Richter obviously plays on where the clip ends. Live?
38 Medtner - "The Music of Nikolai Medtner": Sonata for Violin and Piano #1 op.21 (Kagan),Piano Sonata "Reminiscences" op.38 #1, Romances and Songs (sung by Galina Pisarenko): (1)To the Dreamer, Op.32 #6,(2) The Flower, Op.36 #2, (3) Winter Evening, Op.13 #1, (4) Night, Op. 36 #5 [Pushkin] (5)I Can't Forget That Sweetest Moment (Waltz), Op. 32 #5 [Delvig] 27/12/81

57 min. * Soviet TV * Doremi DVD DRM 8010
"December Nights" concert.LIVE
39 Tchaikovsky- The Seasons: "January", "May" & "June",L'espiegle op.72 #12, Un Poco di Chopin op.72 #15, Menuetto Scherzoso op.51 #3, Valse de Salon op.51 #1, Valse de Salon op.51. Rachmaninoff- Moment Musicaux op.16 #6,op.3 #3 "Melodie", op.3 #4 "Polichinelle" 04/01/82

52 min. * Soviet TV
* Suncrown CRLB-55004 (LD)("January" not included on Laserdisc)*Parnassus PDVD 1203 (DVD)
Disc 3 of 4 laserdisc box: "The Art of Richter". Tchaikovsky - "January", Rachmaninoff- Etudes Tableaux op.33 #5 in e flat minor & #8 in c sharp minor also filmed but not included in this issue. LIVE

Update: Tchaikovsky - "January" confirmed from Facebook - a Russian Page run by "Gostelradiofond"
40 Mozart - Piano Quartet #1 K.478 [rehearsal segment],Piano Quartet #2 K.493 [complete performance in rehearsal) (Kagan, Tretyakov, Bashmet, Gutman) 29or30/12/1982

63 min. * Soviet TV
Filmed rehearsal/performance from the Pushkin Museum, Moscow.
41 Mozart - Piano Quartet #2 K.493 (Tretyakov, Bashmet, Gutman) 29or30/12/1982

? *Soviet TV This entry is based on a 5 min. clip included in a 63min. Soviet documentary about the December Nights Festival concerts dedicated to the music of Mozart. The documentary is called "The Age of Mozart". The Documentary features performances by various artists (Eschenbach, Spivakov & others) but ends with the last half of the last mov. from the Piano Quartet #2, and is with audience - which differentiates it from the full performance of the piece we have already documented; which is really a rehearsal. TRA thinks it safe to assume the whole Piano Quartet was probably performed and filmed. LIVE
42 Mozart - Violin Sonatas (Kagan) 12/82?

63 min. * Soviet TV
The contents of this programme remain a mystery to TRA. For example, the following are listed (Telefond entries) as being filmed: Violin Sonatas K.403,K.372,K.304,K.454, but there exists atleast an audio recording of K.376, K.378 and K.379 as well which come from a "December Nights" festival concert on 17/12/1982. The Telefond entries refer to a TV broadcast of 1983. So is it possible that there may be more than one filmed recital of Mozart Violin Sonatas?
43 Dvorak - Piano Quintet op.5 and Piano Quintet op.81 + encore: op.81 last mov. (Borodin Quartet) 31/12/82

81 min. * Soviet TV
Concert dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Dvorak's birth.LIVE.
44 "Mozart Sonatas played by Oleg Kagan and Sviatoslav Richter" K 304, K 403, K 454. 1983

63 min. * Soviet TV * PAL DVD DP04-1723 ("Kroopniy Plan") * Kultur DVD D4629
STUDIO (Pushkin Museum - no audience.This is a film document of Kagan and Richter doing a "run-through" type rehearsal for the cameras - unfortunately the director thought it far more important to film Richter's face than him playing the piano i.e.hands, fingers on the keyboard. However it's great to have this video and we hope it's the beginning of a Richter DVD series....:"Kinovideoob'edinenie KROOPNIY PLAN". To translate literally is: Movievideocorporation "Big(or gross) Format"(or form).
45 Franck - Piano Trio, Ravel Piano Trio (Oleg Kagan , Natalia Gutman), Debussy - Images BK.1, Images BK.2 #1 18/9/83

? * Soviet TV LIVE
46 Shostakovich - Piano Quintet op. 57 (Borodin Quartet) 5?/12?/1983

42 min. * Soviet TV *RUSCICO DVD [mov.3 only: 4 min.] (PAL, NTSC)
2 DVD set celebrating the Borodin Quartet contains the 3rd. mov. only. LIVE
47 Haydn- Piano Concerto in D (Minsk Chamber Orch./Yuri Tsiryuk) 18/12/83

28 min. * Soviet TV
* Suncrown CRLB-55004 (LD)
"Bonus" disc of 4 laser disc box: "The Art of Richter". Concert held in Pushkin Museum. LIVE
48 Haydn- Piano Concerto in D + encore: entire concerto repeated (Minsk Chamber Orch./Yuri Tsiryuk) 19/12/83

47 min. * Soviet TV * BoMB 033 659DVD ("Russian Performance School #15")
Concert held in Large Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.LIVE.
49 Brahms -Piano Sonata #1 & #2 1984?

? Japanese TV? Apparently considered for commercial issue at one point (along with a mixed programme)but rejected, sadly....
50 Rachmaninoff- Etudes Tableaux op.33 #8, #4, #5, op.39 #1-4, #9, Melodie, Barcarolle 04/03/84

45 min. * Japanese TV Brahms - Piano Son. #2, Variations op.21 #2 also played on this date and presumably filmed. LIVE.
51 Haydn - Piano Son. in D #24, Piano Son. in b #32,Debussy- Preludes Book 1 #1-7, #9-11 + encore: Images Book 1 #1 27/03/84

79min. * Japanese TV
* Classica TV
Private Recital. LIVE.
52 "In Ensemble with Richter- Music of the 20th century" Prokofiev - Sonata for Flute and Piano, mov.1 (Vorozhtsova), Shostakovich- Piano Trio #2 op.67(complete) (Kagan & Gutman), Britten- Lachrymae op.48 [excerpt] (Bashmet), Cello Sonata mov.3 & 4 (Gutman), Stravinsky - Mouvements for piano and orchestra (12min.) (Moscow Ch.O/Nikolayevsky) 1/12/84(Prokofiev, Britten), 12/12/84 (Shostakovich)

64 min. * Soviet TV Except for Stravinsky (Moscow 2/1/85) all contained on CRLB - 55004 (LD). LIVE
53 Prokofiev- Sonata for Flute & Piano, mov.1 (Vorozhtsova), Britten- Lachrymae op.48 [excerpt](Bashmet), Cello Sonata mov.3 & 4 (Gutman), Shostakovich- Piano Trio #2 op.67(complete) (Kagan & Gutman) 1/12/84 (Prokofiev,Britten),12/12/84 (Shostakovich)

53 min. * Soviet TV
* Suncrown CRLB-55004 (LD)
Disc 3 of 4 laserdisc box: "The Art of Richter". LIVE
54 Hindemith - Viola Sonata op.11 #4, Britten - Lachrymae op.48, Shostakovich - Viola Sonata (Bashmet) 27/4/85

Moscow (Large Hall)
? * Soviet TV
55 Haydn- Piano Sonata #24, Brahms- Violin Sonata #1, Shostakovich- Violin Sonata op.134 (Kagan) 06/03/85

74 min. * German TV
* Victor Company of Japan VHM 78009 (VHD)
* JHC 114 (VHS)
* JBC 114 (Beta)
"In memory of David Oistrakh". LIVE
56 Shostakovich- Viola Sonata , Britten- Lachrymae, Hindemith- Viola Sonata in F op.11 #4(Bashmet) 08/03/85

73 min. * German TV
* Victor Company of Japan VHM 78010 (VHD)
* JHC 113 (VHS)
* JBC 113 (Beta)
57 Haydn - Piano Sonata Hob XV11#2, Brahms - Violin Sonata #1, Shostakovich - Violin Sonata (Kagan) 13/05/85

? * Soviet TV LIVE
58 Szymanowski - 6 Muezzin Songs op.42 (Galina Pisarenko) 09/06/85

29 min. * Soviet TV
59 Schubert- Violin Sonata in A, D 574 (Kagan) 7/12/85

26 min. * Soviet TV
* German TV
* Bomba Music BoMB 033-651 (DVD PAL)
LIVE. Contained in newly released Bomba Music DVD: "Russian performance School #13".
60 Schubert- Die Winterriese (Peter Schreier) Complete 10/12/85

80 min. * Soviet TV (Gostelradio)
* German TV (ZDF)
61 Schumann- Marchenbilder for viola and piano op.113 (Bashmet) 13/12/85

17 min. * Soviet TV
* German TV
* Bomba Music BoMB 033-651 (DVD PAL)
LIVE. Contained in newly released Bomba Music DVD: "Russian performance School #13".
62 Schumann- Blumenstucke op.19, Bilder aus Osten op.66 f-moll b-moll (for piano duet, L. Berlinskaya), 4 Fugues op.72, 3 studies on caprices by Paganini op.10 #4-6, Toccata op.7 13/12/85

Moscow (Pushkin Museum)
66 min. * Soviet TV
* Suncrown CRLB-55004 (LD)(60 min.)* Cultural Foundation Jury Bashmet, 2005 DVD (PAL)(selections only)*Parnassus PDVD 1203 (DVD)
Disc 2 of 4 laserdisc box: "The Art of Richter". The "Cultural Foundation Jury Bashmet", "2005" has issued a non-commercial DVD (PAL) of selections from this recital: Schumann - Blumenstucke, Bilder aus Osten f-moll, b-moll, and other recitals: Schumann - Marchenbilder - mov.2&3 (Bashmet) Piano Trio - Mov.2&3 (Kagan, Gutman), Schubert - Winterreise: 3 songs (Peter Schreier),Violin Sonata D 574 mov.4 (Kagan),Chopin - Cello Sonata: mov.3&4 (Gutman). LIVE
63 Schubert- 3 Songs from Die Winterreise #18, #19, #20 (Peter Schreier),Violin Sonata in A mov.4 D 574 (Kagan), Schumann- Marchenbilder op.113 mov.2 & 3 (Bashmet), Fantasy for Clarinet and Piano op.73 #3 (Kamishev), Piano Trio mov.3 & 4 (Kagan & Gutman), Chopin- Cello Sonata mov.3 & 4 (Gutman) 12/85

60 min. * Soviet TV
* Suncrown CRLB-55004 (LD)
Disc 2 of 4 laserdisc box: "The Art of Richter". LIVE
64 Chopin - Cello Sonata in G minor op.65 (Natalia Gutman) 30/12/85

32 min. * Soviet TV
*Suncrown Laserdisc CRLB-55004 (mov.2 & 3 only)
* Bomba Music BoMB 033-651 (DVD PAL)
LIVE.From a "December Nights Festival" concert at the Pushkin Museum. Contained in newly released Bomba Music DVD: "Russian performance School #13".
65 Concert dedicated to the works of Schumann. Sviatoslav Richter with Oleg Kagan, Natalia Gutman, Borodin String Quartet (Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory). 1986

95 min. * Soviet TV LIVE
66 Schumann - 4 Fugues op.72 (only approx.half of fugue #3 plus fugue #4), March op.76 #2, 3 studies on caprices of Paganini op.10 #4,5,6, Toccata op.7, Novelletes op.21 #1, Blumenstucke, Nachtstucke op.23 # 1-4, encores: Liszt - Nuages Gris, Wagner - Albumblatt. 27/4/86

74min. * amatuer video
Great view of those fantastic hands and what they can do! LIVE
67 Schumann - 4 Nachtstucke op.23 (rehearsal) 23/5/86

? * Single camera .
68 Haydn - Piano Sonatas #31 Hob.XVI:46, #58 Hob.XVI:48, #62 Hob.XVI:52 + encore mov.3 (#62) 25/5/86

? * Single camera LIVE
69 Brahms - Piano Sonata #1 op.1, Paganini Variations BK.1 & BK.2 27/5/86

? * Single camera LIVE
70 Schumann - 4 Fugues op.72 #1,2,3,4, March #2 op.76, Etudes on Caprices of Paganini op.10, #4,5,6, Toccata op.7 31/5/86

? * Single camera LIVE
71 Schumann - Novelette #1 op.21, Blumenstuck op.19, 4 Nachtstucke op.23 #1,2,3,4, Wagner - Albumblatt fur Cosima - Elegie in A-flat. 1/6/86

? * Single camera LIVE
72 Chopin - Ballades #1,2,3,4, Polonaise-Fantasy op.61, Etudes op.10 #1,2,3,4,6,10,11,12, op.25 #5,6,7,8,11. 2/6/86

? * Single camera Live
73 Tchaikovsky- Piano Trio (Kagan & Gutman) 29/12/86

68 min. * Soviet TV
* TOEMI WV045-3520 (LD)
* WK 045-3520 (VHS)
Sensational! LIVE.
74 Tchaikovsky- Piano Trio (Kagan & Gutman) 30/12/86

55 min. * Russian TV:"Rossiya K" *YouTube
The second performance of this Trio at the Pushkin Museum concert hall. LIVE.
75 Franck- Piano Quintet (Borodin Quartet)rehearsal ?/?/88

42 min. * single camera Begins with approx. 2 minutes footage of Richter and guests viewing displayed paintings of Richter - Richter and others commenting (inaudible)
76 Franck- Piano Quintet (Borodin Quartet) 05/12/88

71 min. * Soviet TV LIVE. Includes footage of Richter's paintings, with comments from musicians and others.Interesting interview with the actor Dimitri Dorliak.
77 Scriabin- Prometheus Poem of Fire (USSR Symph. Orch./Svetlanov) 12/04/88

30min. * Soviet TV The Great Svetlanov! Re-broadcasted in 2006(?) on russian TV, "Kultura Channel". LIVE.
78 "December Nights - Sviatoslav Richter - Musicain and Artist" 1989

61 min.+ 49 min. * Soviet TV TV Broadcast about the 8th "December Nights Festival of Sviatoslav Richter" from the Pushkin Museum on the theme of "Ensemble, Collaboration, Creativity, Harmony."
79 Mozart- Piano Sonatas K 282, K 310, K 545. Chopin- 12 Etudes op.10 #1,2,3,4,6,10,11,12, op.25 #5,6,8,11 29/03/89

95 min. * BBC TV * Medici Arts DVD Very controversial filming event. Richter demanded only so much light but the technicians thought otherwise and increased the light on the piano DURING the performance of the Etudes, with obvious anger from Maestro who looks up towards the camera while trying not to lose his flow. Thanks to the nitwits who perpetrated this crime we are probably short a few encores, because Maestro didn't stick around much after this insult! LIVE.
80 Bach - French Overture BWV 831 23/02/91

2 min 52 sec *Youtube Echo only. From the mid of first half to the end. LIVE.
81 Mozart- Fantasy in c, K 475 21/05/91

15 min. * Russian TV Dedicated to the memory of Sakharov. LIVE.
82 Bach, Beethoven-Piano Sonata #30 & #31 28/11/91

? *Single camera amateur video LIVE
83 Britten - ?,Saint-Saens- Cello Sonata #1, Prokofiev- Cello Sonata op.119 + encore: last mov. of Prokofiev (Gutman) 03/12/91

70 min. * Russian TV Stellar performance from both musicians. LIVE.
84 Haydn- Piano Sonata #33, Beethoven- Piano Sonata #30, #31 8/12/91

? * Russian TV * BoMB 033 658DVD ("Russian Performance School #14")[Haydn only] In memoriam D. Zhuravlev. LIVE.
85 Saint-Saens - Cello Sonata, Prokofiev - Cello Sonata (Natalia Gutman), Ravel -La vallee des cloches 23/2/92

? * Single camera, amateur video Live
86 Bach- Sonata #4, Toccata BWV 915 & 916, Fantasia BWV 906, Brahms- Ballades op.10 #1 & #2, Capriccio op.76 #8, Rhapsody op.79 #2, Fantasies op.116 #3,#5,#6,#7 encores: Brahms- Intermezzo op.117 #2,Intermezzo op.118 #1 05/04/92

85 min. * Amateur video Very dark picture filmed from a great distance without much zoom. LIVE.
87 Haydn- Piano Sonata #31 in a flat major, Beethoven- Piano Sonata #22 op.54, Brahms- Ballades op.10 #1 & #2, Capriccio in C op.76 #8, Rhapsody op.79 #2, Fantasies op.116 #3,#5,#6,#7, Intermezzo op.118 #1 24/06/92

102 min. *single camera video LIVE
88 Britten - Cello Sonata op.65 (Natalia Gutman) 28/06/92

23 min. *single camera video * YouTube LIVE
89 Haydn - Piano Sonata #31, Beethoven - Piano Sonata #22, Chopin - Polonaise-Fantasy op.61, Scriabin - 2 Mazurkas op.40, Poeme Nocturne op.61, DEBUSSY - L`isle joyeuse, Ravel - La valee de cloches 10/07/92

88 min. *single camera video LIVE
90 Saint-Saens - Cello Sonata #1,Britten - Cello Sonata op.65, Prokofiev - Cello Sonata op.119 (Natalia Gutman) 12/07/92

Rottach Egern
80 min. *single camera video LIVE
91 Beethoven- Piano Sonatas #18,#19,#20, 03/12/92

47 min. * Russian TV (TV Ostankino, Moscow)
* German TV (NDR)
92 Beethoven - Piano Trio "Archduke" (Kopelman, Berlinsky) 07/12/92

49 min. * Russian TV (TV Ostankino, Moscow)
* German TV (NDR)
93 Mozart/Grieg - for 2 pianos - excerpts from rehearsal of Sonatas K 283, K 545,K 533/494, Fantasy K 475 with Leonskaya. 1993(?) Moscow 61min. * Amateur video Touching document of a wonderful collaboration.
94 Beethoven- Piano Sonata #18, Chopin- Polonaise-Fantasy op.61, Scriabin- Piano Sonata #2, Mazurkas op.40 #1,#2, Poeme Nocturne op.61, Poeme vers la flamme, Prelude op.11 #9,#10, Piano piece op.56 #2, Dance op.73 #1 08/01/93

93 min. * Amateur video Very dark, filmed from a great distance without zoom. LIVE
95 Saint-Saens- Piano Concertos #2,#5 (some gaps) mov.3 of Concerto # 5 encored, Gershwin- Piano Concerto, Poulenc- Concerto for Two Pianos + encore mov.2 and 3. (Leonskaya, Latvian Symph. Orch./Magi) 22(Saint-Saens)24(Gershwin)26(Poulenc)/06/93

130 min. * Amateur video Sviatoslav Richter the Conqueror, still, and at the age of 78! LIVE.
96 Mozart/Grieg - for 2 pianos (with Leonskaya)- Fantasia K 475, Piano Sonatas K 283, K 545, K 533/494 26/7/1993

? Russian TV LIVE
97 Grieg - Lyric Pieces 2/8/1993

Moscow, Pushkin Museum
? * Single camera, amateur video Live.
98 Grieg- Lyric Pieces op.12 #1-4, op.38 #4 & 8, op.43 #1 & 6, op.47 #1, op.54 #2,#5,#6, op.57 #4, #5, #6, op.62 #5, op.65 #6, op.68 #4, op.71 #2, #3, #4, #6, #7, op.54 #4 23/08/93

83 min. * Amateur video LIVE.
99 Bach- Fantasy BWV 921, Prelude, Fugue and Allegro BWV 998, Prelude, Fantasy Adagio & Fugue BWV 906/908, Beethoven- Piano Sonata #8, Schubert- Wanderer Fantasy 11/10/93

85 min. * Amateur video Picture dark, but better and closer than Rome 08/01/93 & 05/04/92. LIVE
100 Mozart- Piano Concertos #1,#5,#18, + encore: #18 mov. 2 & 3 (Shinsei Orch./Barshai) 03/03/94

110 min. * Japanese TV The encore was filmed but not broadcast on TV. LIVE
101 "Sviatoslav Richter": Episodes from the Life of an Artist ?

approx.40min. * Russian TV Russian documentary - check "Richter Sightings" page
102 "Sviatoslav Richter" 1995

50min. * Ostankino TV Documentary with clips - check "Richter Sightings" page
103 Reger - Variations & Fugue in B flat on a theme by Beethoven for Two Pianos op.86 (Andreas Lucewicz,piano 1) 1995

? * non-commercial video .
104 "In Memory of Sviatoslav Richter" 1997

39 min. * Russian TV Documentary with clips - check "Richter Sightings" page
105 "Richter l'Insoumis" (French title)
"Richter the Enigma" (English title), "Der Unbeugsame" (German title)

154 min. * WMV 3984 23029 2 (DVD,PAL)
* TELDC 3984 23029 3 (VHS,PAL)
* Warner/NVC ARTS 23029-3 (NTSC VHS)
* WPLS 4146/47 (2 LD,Japan)* Blu-ray 3073514(EuroArts, Idealeaudience)
* WPVS 4146 (VHS,Japan)
Monumental documentary by Bruno Monsaingeon.For a review of this film by Joseph E Romero please go to the links page and click on "In Heaven with Richter".
Check Richter "Sightings" page for the many fantastic, mouth-watering performance clips featured in this great film. FINALLY!! RICHTER on BLU-RAY!!(2015)
106 A Tribute to Richter: from Kiev House of Scientists (TV series "Echo of Success") 20/03/2000

approx.20min. * Ukranian TV Check "Richter Sightings" page. Includes a tribute by Yuri Bohonoff.
107 "Richter's Scale" 2000

Russia * Russian TV Documentary with clips - check "Richter Sightings" page
108 "Musical Houses" 2000

approx.30min. * Russian TV Documentary with clips - check "Richter Sightings" page
109 "At the Concerts of Sviatoslav Richter - from various years" {"Historical Concerts")This programme consists of a selection of various performances : Conductor Fedoseyev talks about the uniquiness of Richter,Prokofiev-Piano Son #1 (Oistrakh)[excerpt], Schumann-Carnival of Vienna last mov.,Chopin-Waltzes op.34 #3, op.70 #3, Mazurka, Rachmaninoff-Moment Musicaux op.16 #6, Mozart-Piano Concerto #18 (Kondrashin)mov.1 & 2 excerpts & mov.3 2000

35min. * Moscow TV All the selections come from previously documented performances.
110 Sviatoslav Richter - Music of Destiny (from series "Geniuses and Villians of a vanishing epoch" 2005

approx.30min. * Moscow TV channel 1 Documentary with clips
111 "Portraits on a Background of Music" (Russian Documentary about the December Nights Festival of Sviatoslav Richter) 2006

60min. * Russian TV (?) Documentary with clips and reminiscences of Irina Antonova,V.Berlinsky (Borodin Quartet),Yuri Bashmet, Y.Kisin, N.Lugansky, E.Leonskaya, B.Pokrovsky and others. Recounting of Richter's mounting of several of Britten's Operas, and Shakespeare's Tempest to the music of Purcell etc. Includes "new" to TRA clips of Richter playing Tchaikovsky Seasons "January"("by the fireside"), and rehearsing with Galina Pisarenko. Produced by Maria Nikolayeva.
112 "The Wild Strawberries Glade of Sviatoslav Richter" - Russian Documentary 2015

38 min. *Russian TV (GTRK "Kultura" 2015, *youtube Documentary with clips celebrating Richter's 100th Birthday. Participants include Irina Antonova (Pushkin Museum), Yuri Bashmet, Yuri Bokhonov and others.
113 "Sviatoslav Richter and Tarusa"`(Documentary in Russian) ?

37 min. *Russian TV *Ren TV(producer?) This Documentary is about the small music festival in Tarusa founded by Richter in 1993. It shows clips of Richter playing Grieg`s Lyric Pieces op.12 #1, op.43 #1,op.43 #6 and with Galina Pisarenko (soprano) performing Grieg`s romance "I Love Thee" op.5 #3. It features Nina Dorliak in extended interviews. In one of these she recounts how Richter wrote to the president of the Yamaha piano firm requesting a piano for the Festival Hall - Yamaha graciously provided a piano free of charge. Also included are interviews with Irina Antonova (director of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow). Other performance excerpts are from the well known Soviet (Riga produced) documentary "Sviatoslav Richter". Also shows two tantalizing clips of Richter playing Grieg under Matisse painting "Dance" in the Pushkin museum.
114 "Sviatoslav Richter and Tarusa" (Lyric Film in Russian about Richter and the Tarusa Festival) ?

15 min. *Russian TV Film with lovely lyrical scenic views of the countryside of Tarusa and Richter`s country cottage. Interview with Nina Dorliak appears to come from the other Documentary of Richter and Tarusa. Features readings from the story by the writer Paustovsky "Cottage in the Forest".

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